Threads of Thanks: how did thanksgiving become a national holiday?4 min read

how did thanksgiving become a national holiday?

How did Thanksgiving Become a National Holiday?

As we gather around the table for Thanksgiving 2023, adorned with the aroma of roasted turkey and the promise of pumpkin pie, it’s only natural to wonder about how thanksgiving became a national holiday? Thanksgiving is more than just a feast; it’s a time-honored tradition steeped in history, gratitude, and the collective spirit of a nation.

The tale of how Thanksgiving became a national holiday is a captivating journey through time, weaving together moments of gratitude, political influence, and the tireless efforts of one woman. To truly appreciate the evolution of this beloved holiday, we must set the stage in the early 19th century.

While the celebrations had been happening in various forms across the country, it was Sarah Josepha Hale, an influential magazine editor and author, who fervently championed the idea of a national Thanksgiving. In the 1820s, Hale began advocating for a unified day of thanks, believing that it could serve as a means to mend the fractures that lingered from the War of 1812.

From Pen to Proclamation: Tracing the Journey of Thanksgiving into National Tradition

Hale’s pen proved to be a powerful instrument of change. For decades, she tirelessly wrote editorials and letters to governors, senators, and presidents, urging them to establish this day as a national holiday. Her efforts reached the desk of President Abraham Lincoln, a leader grappling with the challenges of the Civil War.

In 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, President Lincoln heeded Hale’s call and proclaimed Thanksgiving as a national holiday. His intention was not only to express gratitude for the abundance of the harvest but also to foster a sense of unity during a tumultuous time. Thanksgiving became a symbol of hope and resilience, a day when Americans could set aside their differences and come together to give thanks.

Lincoln’s proclamation set the stage for the modern day of thanks we know today. However, it’s essential to recognize that the idea of a National Day of Thanks had been circulating for years before it officially became a holiday. The early colonists, influenced by European harvest festivals, held days of thanksgiving to express gratitude for bountiful harvests and the survival of harsh winters.

Fast forward to the 20th century, and Thanksgiving evolved into a holiday centered around family, feasting, and football. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, a tradition that began in the 1920s, added a festive and whimsical element to the celebration. Over time, this day became not only a day of thanks but also a kickoff to the holiday season.


Today, as we gather with loved ones and savor the flavors of the season, we can trace the roots of our Thanksgiving celebration back to the persistent efforts of Sarah Josepha Hale and the wisdom of President Lincoln. Thanksgiving isn’t just a day marked on the calendar; it’s a testament to the power of gratitude and the ability of a nation to come together, even in the face of adversity.

In the tapestry of American history, the celebration of this day stands as a thread woven with the stories of resilience, unity, and the enduring spirit of gratitude. As we pass the turkey and share laughter, let’s not forget the remarkable journey that transformed Thanksgiving into a national holiday—one that continues to bring us together, transcending time and tradition.

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Written by: Anshika Patra


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