Travelling Personalities: Exploring 10 Different Types of Travellers4 min read


Travelling means meeting different types of Travellers. For some, it’s an occasion to enjoy time with friends and family; for others, it’s a chance to try new things or learn about different cultures. When we embark on a journey, every one of us has our own travelling personality. While a handful of us love to be the stereotypical tourist, a lot of us desire to discover unusual places and experiences. Many of our preferences and dislikes influence the type of traveler we eventually become. What’s most essential about establishing your travel personality is that it allows you to find ideal travel mates with comparable interests. There are numerous types of travelers, but the majority fall into one of several categories.

ALSO READ: “Travel Solo: Unveiling the Top 5 Destinations in the World for Solo Travelers”

What are the different types of Travellers, you meet while travelling?

1.The Nature Lover:

While travelling, these travellers are so enamored with nature that they spend most of their trips viewing flora and fauna in jungles and forests. Some of them even spend a lot of time on safaris in various surroundings.

2. The Photographer:

Travelling is synonymous with photographs for them. These types of travelers can be found behind the lens of a camera, recording every moment of their journey. Nothing is left unphotographed: panoramic scenes, animals, residents, food, and themselves.

3.The Planner

They are possibly the most well-organized type of traveler you meet while travelling. They enjoy planning and scheduling any trip to the T. Planners frequently have a restricted amount of time and aim to pack as much as possible into the trip to get the most out of it. They additionally tend to know more about a place before visiting it than most others who have visited it. 

4.The Party Animal

Travelling is more fun with these kind of travellers. These are the travellers who travel solely for the purpose of having fun and attending parties. Their plans focus on the best nightlife and party spots; look for them at pubs or clubs. They can be a lot of joy to be around (unless in the early morning hours).

5.The Foodie

These types of travelers tour the globe in search of delectable food. Travelling with them is really delicious. They discover diverse cultures via their cuisines, and no matter where they go, they can never disappoint with their food or eateries.

6.The Shopper

This category applies to me too! Shopping while Travelling is so the therapeutic. They go to different regions of the globe for one reason and one reason only: to shop. Shoppers can be either men or women, but no trip is complete until their luggage isn’t significantly heavier on the way home. Some of this may be for friends and relatives if they are generous.

7.The Gang

These travellers prefer to travel in groups with friends and family and rarely come across someone travelling alone. Whether it’s sightseeing or partying, everyone does it together, either quietly or (more frequently) loudly.

8.The Luxury Traveller

For this traveller, nothing fewer than a 5-star hotel will suffice. Luxury is a primary priority everywhere they go. They prefer to do everything in style (and, of course, comfort), from personal cabs to elegant restaurants.

9.The Budget Tripper

While they may desire to travel everywhere, their budgets limit their options. They might opt for walking or cycling rather than cabs and dormitories hotels in order to save money while travelling.

10.The Chatter Box

This one appears to befriend whomever they meet while travelling, from taxi drivers to waiters. They can’t stop talking to everyone, which frequently means they have the best tales to share.


Every type of traveller has their own peculiarities:

Once you figure out what kind of traveler you are, I’m sure you’ll notice oddities that are unique to you. These distinguishing characteristics define a traveller, and it is something you should embrace entirely before embarking on your next adventure!

And also let us know in the comment section, which among these are you?!

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Travel & Lifestyle Tips

Written by: Anshika Patra


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